關於我們 About Us


成立於2011年9月的實動男無伴奏合唱人聲樂團,是香港最活躍的無伴奏合唱隊伍之一。實動男利用靈活多變的歌唱技巧為歌曲帶來嶄新的演繹,透過現場演出的魅力和純男聲的和諧,成功帶給觀眾獨特的無伴奏合唱體驗。實動男成立至今,已獲不同團體邀請擔任表演嘉賓,包括香港藝術館、香港電台及港鐵等,足跡遍及日本、台灣、中國、澳門等地,表現屢獲好評。除表演外,實動男積極挑戰與突破,於2012年10月參與「台灣國際重唱藝術節 -世界盃阿卡貝拉大賽」並榮獲銀牌,同年11月於 「香港無伴奏合唱比賽」中更勇奪公開組冠軍。盼望你們也能與實動男一起,起動音樂,愛上無伴奏人聲合唱!

Set Tone Men
a cappella Group

Set Tone Men (STM) is a young and energetic contemporary male a cappella group established in September 2011, which is one of the most active groups in Hong Kong. STM has a diverse repertoire, including classical, pop and contemporary music, presented in extraordinary styles and arrangements. STM has been invited to perform for many organizations, including Hong Kong Museum of Arts, RTHK and MTR. STM has also been to Japan, Taiwan, China and Macau, bringing the audience a unique a cappella experience through live performances with their harmonious male voices. Besides performance, STM has received encouraging results at the Taiwan International Vocal Festival 2012, where it won a Silver Medal in the World Contemporary a cappella Competition. It also won the champion in Open Class of the Hong Kong a cappella Contest 2012. STM wishes that all audiences could enjoy their music and love a cappella!

